Tuesday, 3 December 2019


As soon as I know I will confirm it here, but it will be as close to next Tuesday as we can make it. After attaching a real antenna, and downloading some better software DSP Radio 1. I read in the faq that there is a locking problem. November 23, at 2: I would like to compare the inlet components disposition antenna side with my board! The workaround reduces the bandwidth of the FCD to work within those conditions: Is it not possible for your to filter and undersample? funcube dongle pro software

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Category: Funcube Dongle

I enlisted the help of a friend of mine, Bill, who examined the dongle the machine I use, and, the software. I did manage to compile it by following the instructions, but a pre-built version I am sure will soften the GnuRadio and GRC learning curve.

funcube dongle pro software

I can see now, it change automaticaly: November 6, at 2: Secondly, when I exposed 48, 96 and kHz at 16 bits, Windows appears to force the end user would need to manually go into the advanced section of the recording tab in the Sound control panel applet and override the default selection of 48kHz to use any higher rate than 48kHz. Just forgot to mark QI swap. I never get the program up. Good luck, and have Fun ;-Pascal. March 5, at Hello Neil Sorry for the problems that you seem to be encountering.

October 21, at 2: Does anyone know if the Qt code handles other than the primary ports on a computer? Proudly powered by WordPress. You may use these HTML tags and attributes: December softwage, at My question iswhat is your recommendation for use with MacBook Pro?

Pro+ Downloads & Documentation | FUNcube Dongle

I have put a beta DLL in the fcdproplus yahoo group file area. December 25, at 5: Hi Howard is it possible to buy a replacement sticker for the PRO?

So — awaiting reply from Moe about the possibility it might be unhappy about running in H: Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit SP1 i5 — the old version does run completely. November 9, at 4: The overall sensitivity is also better.

Now — considering using WRPlus. I will upload a corrected version presently. February 6, at 8: In this case the application starts and says that the dongle is connected.

Could you please send me or post pictures taked by the both side of the electronic board with all components??? Hello Chris Can you give me some more information about the dong,e message, and what steps you took before the error message appeared?

funcube dongle pro software

What software and version s is it that is telling you that no FCD is detected? October 20, at 7: Once this error is fixed please feel free to remove this post.

Downloads | FUNcube Dongle

I tried half a dozen programs, but i am unable to get any response from the FCD. July 29, at 5: Wolfgang ArnoldDj3qd says: Is it not possible for your to filter and undersample?

funcube dongle pro software

I read in the faq that there is a locking problem.

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